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Navigating grey areas in the workplace, together.

A safe space for those who grapple with navigating the intricate challenges of the modern workplace. 

let's get started

A grey area is an ill-defined situation, not readily conforming to a category or to an existing set of rules.

In other words, it’s murky AF. Without clearly communicated guidelines in place, the best path forward can be difficult to discern, leading to challenges in career advancement. 

Good news! We're the answer to workplace ambiguity. Our educational digital platform and courses, podcast, and supportive community empowers employees to navigate uncertainty. We hold corporations, executives, and human resource teams accountable by promoting education, transparency, and shared stories in order to drive change.


A grey area is an ill-defined situation, not readily conforming to a category or to an existing set of rules.

In other words, it’s murky AF. Without clearly communicated guidelines in place, the best path forward can be difficult to discern, leading to challenges in career advancement. 

Good news! We're the answer to workplace ambiguity. Our educational digital platform and courses, podcast, and supportive community empowers employees to navigate uncertainty. We hold corporations, executives, and human resource teams accountable by promoting education, transparency, and shared stories in order to drive change.


Actionable strategies for overcoming workplace hurdles

Accelerate your career path

Recognize Management Success and Mismanagement

Spot the telltale signs of both effective and ineffective management, put into action strategies for leading your team effectively, and skillfully handle the hurdles that come with mismanagement.

Cultivate Effective Communication and Have Difficult Conversations

Cultivate the skills for transparent and candid communication in a managerial role, develop tactics to ease into challenging dialogues, and proactively deal with team conflicts.

Balance Personal Branding With Corporate Confidentiality

Discover the strategies to achieve a harmonious blend of personal branding and corporate confidentiality, empowering your professional journey while safeguarding sensitive corporate information.

let's get started

Confidentiality, Guaranteed

Your stories are safe with us.

Your stories are not just safe with us – they're valued. Your experiences hold the power to inspire and guide others facing similar challenges. Share your anonymous 'Cubicle Confession' today, and join us on the Grey Areas podcast, where Kelsey interviews top executives, psychologists, and thought leaders as they explore solutions while respecting your anonymity and protecting your employer's identity.

Share Your StorY

Courses that are designed to meet you where you are and propel you toward your goals

We understand that the workplace can often be a complex and ambiguous terrain, filled with situations that don't fit neatly into predefined boxes. We call these situations "grey areas," and we're here to guide you through them.

Perfect For: Aspiring and New Managers


Gain insights into recognizing key indicators of successful management, setting clear career goals, and creating strategic plans to achieve them. This course provides essential skills for negotiating promotions, setting boundaries, and making informed career decisions. By the end of the program, participants will have the tools and knowledge needed to accelerate their careers and become the obvious choice for their next promotion or career move.

Career Fast Track: Your Path to Promotion

Leadership Fast Track: A Team Leader's Path To Success

Gain a deep understanding of the challenges that come with transitioning into a managerial position, along with strategies to define expectations, responsibilities, and build confidence as a leader. This course places a strong emphasis on effective communication and equips participants with the skills to handle difficult conversations, proactively address conflicts, and foster a culture of open communication. By the course's end, first-time managers will be well-prepared to navigate the complexities of leadership and set a path towards future success in the C-Suite.


PERFECT FOR: senior MANAGERS and directors

Choose your own adventure

Your Climb, Your Rules

Welcome to the Grey Areas File Cabinet, where individuality meets opportunity. Dive into a realm of unique, one-off products designed to elevate your professional journey. Our collection is meticulously curated to empower your exploration at every turn. Whether you’re shaping a captivating personal brand, launching into the realm of social media management, steering teams toward success, or blazing a trail in a new role, the File Cabinet is your passport to career advancement on your own terms. Unlock your potential and chart your course with us.

Personal branding kit

Team Management Bundle

30-60-90 Day Plan For Your New Job

Social Media Manager Kit

Workplace Grey
Areas We're
Talking About

Managing anxiety in the workplace: strategies to copy with and reduce tension

Balancing Personal Branding with Corporate Confidentiality

Understanding HR: Signs of Retaliation and Employer Boundaries

Navigating Job Loss: Questions to Ask When Terminated or Offered Severance

Effective Cross-Department Collaboration

listen now

The Grey Areas podcast is ready to disrupt corporate America. Are you?

Engaging conversations with thought leaders, senior executives, HR professionals, psychologists, and subject matter experts. Join Kelsey as she skillfully delves into intricate workplace scenarios and challenging situations with these experts, offering actionable insights and solutions.

The No-BS Guide to Making Your Boss Notice You (Without Sucking Up)

This isn’t your average career guide. It’s a straight-talking, fluff-free playbook filled with insider secrets on how to catch your boss’s eye, voice your opinions like a pro, and master the dark arts of office politics.